
Mark Levin Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Over Policy Against Political Campaigning


“If I want to support a friend who’s running for the state senate, well, damnit, I will do it,” Levin seethed Wednesday on his radio show.


Fox News host and conservative radio star Mark Levin fired back Wednesday on his syndicated program following a report that he violated Fox News’ supposed ban on “talent participating in campaign events,” pointedly insisting that “no corporation” can stop him from publicly stumping for local candidates.

Earlier this week, Media Matters for America reported that Levin headlined a campaign event for Virginia State Senate candidate Geary Higgins on Nov. 4, just before Election Day. Levin also headlined a May 19 rally for Higgins ahead of another race that the candidate would end up losing.

Media Matters further noted that besides Levin headlining these rallies, the Higgins campaign also ran Facebook ads for both events highlighting Levin’s involvement as a “Special Guest Speaker.” 


During Wednesday’s broadcast of his syndicated radio show, Levin lashed out at Media Matters over the report on his campaigning, claiming he “didn’t violate any rules” and he’d keep appearing at campaign events in the future.

Last November, after pro-Trump Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro appeared on stage with President Donald Trump during an election eve campaign rally, Fox News released a statement claiming the network “does not condone any talent participating in campaign events.” They added that the Pirro and Hannity participation—which featured Hannity calling reporters covering the event “fake news”—was an “unfortunate distraction and has been addressed.”

Levin continued to blast Media Matters, insisting the liberal group was “very upset that I supported a local candidate for the state Senate in my own community as well as other local candidates” before claiming he didn’t break any Fox rules and that he’ll “never be silenced, ever.”

Levin, who has hosted a weekend Fox News show since early 2018, exclaimed that nobody can tell him to stop stumping for candidates he supports.

“If I want to support a friend who’s running for the state Senate, well damnit, I will do it,” he seethed. “I should have done more for him. If I want to support my local sheriff then damn it, I will do it. And nobody on this planet is going to stop me. No corporation, no left-wing group funded by billionaire, American-hating pukes. Nobody!”

Despite Fox News’ year-old claim that they don’t condone talent campaigning for political candidates, many of their on-air personalities have not only taken part in campaign rallies but have also literally been paid to appear at fundraisers for Republican and conservative organizations.

According to a Media Matters report, hosts and even some “hard news” employees have made at least $500,000 in speaking fees while headlining events featuring GOP figures and Trump administration officials.

Fox News did not immediately respond to The Daily Beast’s request for comment on both Levin’s campaign appearance and him apparently thumbing his nose at the network’s policies.

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