
Maxine Waters Walks Back Trump Sex-Tape Claim


Claims the congresswoman was simply calling for an investigation.

Hyungwon Kang/Reuters

The office of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has attempted to walk back the lawmaker’s Thursday comment that unverified reports of compromising video of President Trump with Russian prostitutes are “absolutely true.” The Democratic congresswoman’s remarks came during an interview with MSNBC’s Ali Velshi. “We already know about the part about the coverage they have on him with sex actions is supposed to be true,” she said, referring to the unverified dossier leaked last year claiming the Russians had sexual and financial blackmail on Trump. “They have said that’s absolutely true, some other things they kind of allude to.” According to MSNBC, a Waters aide later followed up to say: “[The congresswoman] was not leaking any classified or confidential information... instead she was referencing a passage on page 2 section 4 of the publicly available unverified Trump dossier that refers to what the dossier calls ‘The Moscow Ritz Carlton episode involving TRUMP,’ an episode that the dossier says was confirmed by a source whose information is redacted in the dossier.” Additionally, according to the aide, Waters was simply calling for an “investigation into the redacted source” and that she “remains largely focused on supporting that investigation.”