
Meghan Markle’s Heartbroken Dad: ‘I Don’t Deserve This.’


Meghan’s dad has begged for another chance. But doing so in the ‘Mail on Sunday’, while writing her letters mentioning Harry’s Nazi-outfit and naked pool parties, won’t work.

Tolga Akmen/AFP/Getty Images

Meghan Markle’s father Thomas has spoken of his heartbreak over his daughter’s refusal to speak to him since he started giving interviews to the press—in a new interview with the press.

“I have been frozen out and I can’t stay silent,” the retired Emmy-winning lighting director says in an interview with The Mail on Sunday. “I have made dozens of attempts to reach my daughter via text and letters, but she and Harry have put up a wall of silence. They have done what they once told me not to do—they are believing everything negative that has been written about me. So I am reaching out to them, once again, to try to correct the lies and get the truth out there.

“Everyone says, why don’t I just shut the fuck up? That Meghan can’t speak to me because I’ll give away secrets. But that’s bullshit. I’ve been accused of every terrible thing you can think of. In one magazine they had an awful story about Prince Charles right beside one about me. But no one is shunning Prince Charles.”

“I did a few things wrong, said a few things I should not have said. But some of the Royals have done far worse things… There are convicts in prisons who have murdered and committed all kinds of horrible crimes, and their daughters still visit them.”
— Thomas Markle

The Mail says that Markle was neither paid for, not sought payment for the interview, in which he also seeks to correct what he says are false stories about him, producing a stack of medical bills which he claims shows he really did have the two heart attacks as he said, which prevented him walking his daughter down the aisle at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor.

He also tells the Mail that Meghan lived with him full time during much of her teenage years, saying:  “Meghan and I were as close as a father and daughter could be right up until her wedding to Harry. Then it all fell apart.”

He does admit that posing for paparazzi pictures before the royal wedding was a “stupid mistake,” but says that being cut out by Meghan and Harry “is a punishment which does not fit the crime.”

In comments that will only serve to anger the royals, Markle told the Mail: “I apologized to Harry on the phone and all he said was, ‘If you’d listened to me, none of this would have happened.’ I did a few things wrong, said a few things I should not have said. But some of the Royals have done far worse things… There are convicts in prisons who have murdered and committed all kinds of horrible crimes, and their daughters still visit them.”

And in a sign that Markle may have still something to learn about tact, the Mail's Caroline Graham reports that he wrote Meghan a letter which, among other things, “pointed out the Royals haven’t always been perfectly behaved. I wrote that I’ve never played pool naked, nor have I dressed up as a Nazi.”

Possibly not the best angle when it comes to winning your way back into the hearts of Meghan and Harry.