Meghan McCain: ‘I Would Create a Coup’ and March on Camp David if Trump Invited Taliban


Whoopi Goldberg, meanwhile, insisted that Trump made up the Camp David meeting in order to distract the public.

On the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, the women of The View briefly revisited President Trump’s canceled Camp David meeting with the Taliban, with conservative co-host Meghan McCain declaring that she’d lead a “coup” and march on the presidential retreat if Trump again extended an invite to the terrorist group.

During a Wednesday morning discussion on the ouster of National Security Adviser John Bolton, McCain first took issue with the giddiness displayed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin over the news that Bolton was out.

“I know maybe this is like beating a dead horse, but it’s imprudent,” she huffed. “What is this, Gossip Girl? Celebrity Big Brother? Why are you so thrilled? It’s not good for America!”

She went on to insist Bolton had a “good reputation” before he joined the White House, but now his time with the Trump administration has left him “terribly tainted.” At the same time, she applauded Bolton for potentially being the one who stopped the Camp David meeting.

“Maybe you stopped the Taliban from coming to Camp David, and if this is why you’re out, thank you,” she said. “Because I don’t want the Taliban in Camp David, but the whole thing was bizarre for me.”

This prompted co-host Whoopi Goldberg to jump in and question whether the Taliban invitation ever existed in the first place.

“Do you actually think he had set up a meeting with the Taliban to come to the United States?” Goldberg asked the panel to which co-host Sunny Hostin noted that he previously invited North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

McCain, meanwhile, attempted to rally her colleagues to fight the federal government if the Taliban set foot in the symbolic presidential retreat.

“If that ended up happening,” she exclaimed. “I would create a coup starting with this table, and I would say, ‘Ladies, we’re going to Camp David and stopping this from happening because of all the bat-crap crazy things, that’s the dumbest!’”

Goldberg, however, continued to push her theory that Trump made up the whole meeting in order to distract the public.

“I don’t believe for one second—it doesn’t make any sense,” she stated, adding that Trump “put it out there” because he has “more people looking at other stuff and not what he’s actually doing.”

Outside of Trump himself claiming that the meeting was scheduled, the Taliban responded to the cancellation of the peace talks by saying “this has damaged the U.S. the most.” Furthermore, reporting from The Daily Beast and others revealed that the president had set up the meeting as a way to boast about his own “Camp David Accords.”

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