
Megyn Kelly Uses Trump Rally to Launch Unhinged J.Lo Attack


“All J.Lo knows about what to do is ruin marriages.,” the MAGA pundit said in her speech.

Megyn Kelly and Jennifer Lopez
Scott Olson/Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Megyn Kelly found a way to insult Jennifer Lopez during Donald Trump‘s victory rally, using their differing politics as an excuse to make a dig about Lopez’s divorce from Ben Affleck.

Lopez stumped for Kamala Harris at a Las Vegas rally in October, where she told the crowd that Trump “has consistently worked to divide us. At Madison Square Garden, he reminded us who he really is and how he really feels.” In the wake of Harris’ loss and Trump’s inauguration, the right-wing host pounced on Lopez’s comments to launch an unhinged attack on the star.

“Speaking of J. Lo, how happy are you [that] her candidate lost? It’s so delightful,” Kelly said Sunday, adding that she felt “two inches taller, a pound thinner,” and happy her skin was like Lopez’s on the eve of Trump’s inauguration. “These Hollywood celebrities who get up there and try and tell us how to vote—really?” she continued. “I mean like those celebrities who know nothing about anything.”

Kelly didn’t leave it there, as she decided to attack Lopez more specifically. “All J. Lo knows about what to do is ruin marriages. She’s an expert in that. Why did she have to try and ruin the country too?” she added. “So goodbye J. Lo, it didn’t work out for you.”

Lopez divorced Affleck last August and has been married three other times. Kelly also has one divorce in her past. She was married to anesthesiologist Daniel Kendall from 2001 to 2006 before wedding her current husband, Douglas Brunt, in 2008.