In honor of Britain’s first gold medal win of the 2012 Olympics, London Mayor Boris Johnson—a huge fan of the Games coming to London—decided to travel by zipline waving two Union Jack flags. The problem came when Johnson ran out of momentum and got stuck halfway through the trip. The image of the mayor stuck, waving the flags, quickly became a meme on the Internet, where users copy and pasted the image into other situation where Johnson could be dangling.

Here’s one of the original images that spawned the meme. Johnson is certainly a good sport, and only politely asked for a ladder to get down after dangling for a few seconds.

Johnson precariously hangs from the minute hand of what we think is Big Ben (newly renamed Elizabeth Tower).

Johnson makes a surprise appearance in this classic scene from the first Mission: Impossible movie. Let’s hope he gets pulled up in time.

In this frankly amazing animated gif, Johnson is taking the place of the infamous tetherball from the film Napoleon Dynamite.

Johnson makes an appearance at Iwo Jima in black and white, being hoisted on an American in the classic photo.

One that’s in the Olympic spirit: here’s Johnson being flung like a hammer.

Is the mayor is gently asking the famous construction workers to get back to work on the RCA Building in New York City?

Riffing on the classic World War II poster, “Keep Calm and Carry On,” we’re now asked to remain unruffled and dangle Boris.