Photo Illustration by the Daily Beast/Getty/City of Miami Beach
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating claims of sexual harassment against Miami Beach Mayor Steven Meiner that allegedly took place while he was an employee there. The Miami Herald reported that the SEC’s national human resources department has been interviewing people who worked with Meiner at the regional Miami office, where the mayor has served as an attorney since 2007. Before his election in November 2023, Meiner was accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward three different women who worked for him, two of whom were interns. According to them, Meiner said he wanted to have affairs with the women although he was married with children. In response to those allegations, Meiner told the Herald that the claims were “likely motivated by anti-Israel and antisemitic views” because the mayor is Jewish. Meiner has refused to comment on the SEC probe and claimed to have no knowledge of it.