
QAnon Devotee Behind Bizarre JFK Conspiracy Theory Dies


Protzman, who was 60 years old, died a week after being seriously hurt in a dirt bike accident.

Michael Protzman, a QAnon devotee who gave life to its JFK conspiracy theory, died in Minnesota after a dirt bike accident.
Madeline Gray/The Washington Post via Getty

The QAnon fanatic who gave life to one of the group’s most outlandish conspiracy theories— that slain former President John F. Kennedy and his son are secretly still alive—has died. Vice first reported that 60-year-old Michael Protzman died in Minnesota a week after sustaining serious injuries in a dirt bike accident. As a prominent QAnon conspiracy theorist, Protzman, also known as Negative48, attracted a legion of devoted followers, some of whom still believe his death is part of some larger plot, according to Vice. Protzman was perhaps most infamous for organizing a QAnon pilgrimage to the site of JFK’s assassination in Dallas, where he said the former president and his son, John F. Kennedy Jr., would miraculously reappear. (They did not.) Protzman’s conspiracy theories continued to evolve in the aftermath, and he maintained a group of diehard devotees until his death.

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