A 16 year-old girl who was beaten unconscious by a classmate is finally awake, according to NBC News. An attorney for the family of Kaylee Gain said that since she was taken out of of intensive care a week ago, she “has been able to engage in limited verbal conversations.” She has begun speech therapy and is unable to walk on her own, said attorney Bryan Kaemmerer. “However, Kaylee does not have any recollection of the altercation that led to her hospitalization,” he added. In a viral video earlier this month, one person is seen repeatedly smashing Gain’s head into the ground near Hazelwood High School in Spanish Lake, Missouri. A 15-year-old was arrested after the incident, and Gain’s parents are pushing for her to be tried as an adult. Earlier this week, police said they’d referred eight additional teenagers to Family Court over the incident and that they could possibly face assault charges.