
Mitch McConnell Is About to Punch America in the Penis


Veep showrunner David Mandel takes a swipe at Mitch McConnell and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund chief chats with Rick and Molly about the SCOTUS fight—and what may come.

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Samuel Corum/Getty

You know our politics are beyond fucked up when the showrunner of Veep says he can’t compete with real-life Washington.

“I mean, we did a Supreme Court episode. And as sort of horrible and tragic as our Veep worldview was, we have lapped it, maybe even double lapped it,” David Mandel tells Molly Jong-Fast and Rick Wilson on the latest episode of The New Abnormal.

“I shake my whatever to Mitch McConnell. He really has outdone himself, best comedy writer of our generation... And he's literally about to punch the country in the penis. I mean, I'm sorry. There's no other way of saying it. It's literally a dick punch.” (To which Rick quips, “that would be so on brand for 2020.”)

Then the hosts take a trip with Mandel down Republican National Convention memory lane: “I've never seen a convention where you thought to yourself as you were watching, ‘Boy, a lot of these people seem really high on cocaine.’ Like, person after person after person. What convention could you even say that about? I'm not even sure you could say that about a cocaine convention, that this many people [are high]. I think at a cocaine convention, people pull themselves together for their big speech and they'd go, ‘I'll do cocaine after my speech. Not before I address the nation from the White House.’”

Then! Molly and Planned Parenthood Action Fund chief Alexis McGill Johnson talk about the Supreme Court fight, what it means for the November election and what voters can do.

“I feel pretty fucking galvanized,” says Molly.

There’s also one thing that Rick says pro-choice Democrats should absolutely not do in the fight against a Trump-appointed SCOTUS seat. Speaking of which, he also renders his opinion on the SCOTUS-packing talk. It’s “dumber than a fucking sack of hair,” he says.

Plus! Meet the new polling firm of “Rasputin, Devil, and Death Squad”!

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