Scouting Report: Not only does Oar + Alps Everyday Anti-Aging Face Moisturizer boast SPF 37 protection, but it also has hyaluronic acid and vitamin E for a more moisturized face.
The worst sunburn I ever got came not as the result of a trip to the beach, not during an all-day outdoor music festival, and not during some hot and sunny summer day frolicking about outdoors. In fact, it happened while I was a few miles above sea level in sub-freezing temperatures and surrounded by snow.
I was climbing Mt. Rainier, and during much of day two of the ascent, the sun glaring down from a cerulean sky and reflecting off the glacier at my feet led to such an intense burn that for days after my nose and cheeks looked like the underside of a tortoiseshell. My skin cracked and peeled and finally sloughed away, a process that was the opposite of comfortable, to put it mildly. I had been covered from head to toe, even wearing goggles for much of the climb, but as my body temperature rose, I had exposed much of my face to cool down a bit, and the sun wasted no time teaching me the error of my ways.
These days, I’m pretty good about using sunblock when I know I’ll be exposed to the elements for any notable period of time, whether for a hike or some paddling or a long run or ride or just in the backyard with the family. But here’s the thing: even though I’m responsible with sunblock, I hate the stuff. The sprays leave me feeling sticky, the creams never seem to fully wash off my hands, and with roll-on sticks, I always feel like I’m probably missing a spot or three.
Here’s the other thing: being in my late 30s now, I’m very good about using a daily moisturizer. I put one on my face every morning, and while I’m usually not that picky which I use (half-asleep hands find a tube of Bravo Sierra moisturizer? On it goes. Oh, Rugged & Dapper today? Why not), when I know I’m going to be outside at any point in the next few hours, I use Oar + Alps Everyday Anti-Aging Face Moisturizer every time.

With broad-spectrum 37 SPF (which stands for Sun Protection Factor, in case you ever wondered), I know this stuff has enough UV-blocking power to keep me safe – according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, 30 SPF is the bar for effective protection, so 37 is solid indeed. And while initially thicker than most moisturizers, this stuff rubs in quickly and easily and I genuinely can’t feel it on my face or neck within a matter of minutes. (In fact, I applied some about two minutes before sitting down to write about the stuff, and yep, can’t feel it. Or smell it, which is also a plus.)
The fact that the company Oar + Alps is committed to spreading awareness about the need for sun protection – especially to men, who often adopt a cavalier attitude about the topic – and is committed to products that are environmentally safe? Well, that’s just more good stuff.
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