Jack & Jill
This is, without a doubt, the worst movie that Adam Sandler’s ever made. In fact, it could be the worst movie ever made. Sandler plays a character named Jack (a goofy dad/advertising exec) in addition to his twin sister Jill (Sandler in drag, caught in an abysmal Saturday Night Live sketch). The actor who made Big Daddy should clear his trophy shelf for yet another Razzie.
J. Edgar
What’s eating Leonardo DiCaprio? Ever since Titanic, he’s tried to ditch the girl groupies by playing some of the most miserable characters in the movies (The Aviator, Shutter Island, Revolutionary Road, Body of Lies). He continues in that tradition as J. Edgar Hoover in Clint Eastwood’s new biopic, the kind of history lesson they should prescribe to insomniacs. Judi Dench is the FBI founder’s mommy dearest.
Cumulative scores:
Ramin: Yes, 9; No, 9Peter: Yes, 7; No, 9; Maybe, 2