Three bomb blasts rocked the city of Mumbai Wednesday, killing 17 people and wounding over a hundred. The explosions, which went off within minutes of each other at the height of the evening rush hour, struck central locations, including the Opera House, the well-known jewelry hub Zaveri Bazaar, and the crowded Dadar neighborhood. A fourth explosive device was found, but it did not go off.
The strike bears the hallmarks of a coordinated terrorist attack. No group has claimed responsibility, but an American law enforcement told The New York Times that some signs point to Indian militants. Indian officials have not publicly speculated on who may have coordinated the attack.
Wednesday's strike is the deadliest for Mumbai since Pakistani militants killed more than 160 people in massive assaults on hotels, a train station and a Jewish center in November of 2008. In the past, Indian officials have accused Pakistan's spy agency of orchestrating those bombings.