Emily Baden, who used to live in the same suburban D.C. cul-de-sac as Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, has claimed in an interview with the Guardian that the justice’s security detail was used to intimidate Baden and her family on multiple occasions. Baden’s 2021 spat with her high-profile neighbors hit the headlines this week after Alito cited it as the reason his wife flew a Jan. 6-linked upside-down flag outside their house shortly after the Capitol riot. Baden said the dispute stemmed from political lawn signs that she and her husband erected outside their home and it escalated into name-calling and confrontations on the street. She maintains that Martha-Ann Alito instigated the confrontations. Baden told the Guardian she and her husband noticed that the justice’s security detail, which normally parked their SUV down the street, began parking directly in front of their home. “This happened a handful of times, I took that as directly threatening,” Baden said. It re-appeared again two weeks ago after The New York Times revealed the existence of the upside-down flag, Baden said. The Alitos did not respond to the Guardian’s request for comment.