
New Questions On Spanish King's Gal Pal

Royal Rumours
Alex Moss

Here at the Royalist we like to keep up with what's going on international royal circles, even though our own royals are clearly the most interesting.

In Euro-royal news, the King of Spain is facing further questions about his relationship with blonde German aristocrat Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, who famously accompanied him on an elephant-hunting trip while his country battled austerity.


The latest incident involves the King's son-in-law, Inaki Urdangarin, who is accused of embezzling public funds through a non-profit organisation he headed on the island of Majorca.

The Telegraph reports: Her name once again made headlines last week with the leaking of an email exchange that connected her with the Noos Foundation, the non-profit organisation headed by the Duke of Palma.

Even though the correspondence between Princess Corinna and an employee of the Noos Foundation suggest no wrongdoing at all and date from 2004 - reportedly before she even first met the King of Spain - it has raised questions as to how much King Juan Carlos may have been aware of his son-in-law's business practices."Urdangarin, 44, who was given the title of the Duke of Palma on marrying the King's youngest daughter, appeared in court last February as part of an ongoing judicial investigation into widespread corruption. He denies all charges but has been banished from royal circles.