
New Tiger Woods Porno Will Be Released in Time for the Masters

Richard Abowitz talks to the alleged mistresses starring in the new Tiger Woods porno.

Photos: Michael Tran / FilmMagic-Getty Images (l); David Cannon / Getty Images

Even when others counted Tiger Woods out, adult-film director B.Skow had faith in an eventual comeback for the superstar golfer. Being a fan of both porn and golf, B.Skow had, back in 2010, already combined his interests to create The Eleventh Hole, starring Woods’s then-11th-to-surface alleged mistress, porn star Josyln James. The Eleventh Hole, according to B.Skow, contained sexual reenactments of text messages the golfer allegedly sent James. “The film was about Joslyn James,” he says. “It features her stories from the time she says they were together.”

At the time, the emotions were still raw for James, the director recalls. “Joslyn was really attached to him and she cried a lot.”

But just weeks after that film was completed, on June 9, 2010, B.Skow was already working on a sequel of sorts, bringing back James, along with two of Woods’s other alleged porn-star mistresses, Devon James and Holly Sampson. Though the sequel was completed, it never appeared, and the Woods scandal faded from the media glare.

“We were assuming it would be coming out in six to eight weeks,” Devon James recalls, “but the director said we’re going to wait until Tiger starts winning again. We’re going to wait for it to die down, and then we’re going to throw him back under the bus.” She adds: “I thought he was joking. But I guess not.”

B.Skow agrees at least on the timing. “We roughly planned it this way,” he says. “When I found out [Woods’s former swing coach Hank] Haney’s book was coming out that talks about Tiger and porn, and I was watching Tiger starting to do well again, it made sense. The first film also did really well.” So, on April 3, the day after the Masters begins, porn-production company Vivid will finally release Three Mistresses: Notorious Tales of the World’s Greatest Golfer.

At least one of the movie’s featured performers is profoundly unhappy about this DVD surfacing now: Joslyn James. “A lot of this stuff had died down, and Vivid is now returning to it. I get upset when people think this was my idea or I’m a ringleader. This is all Vivid.” Fellow star Devon, though happy that the film is finally seeing the light of day, says Joslyn is right about the performers not being involved in the release's timing. “Once you sign and film it, you have nothing to do with it. I know people will look and go, 'How convenient that now is when we are putting it out,’ but that’s not us. That is Vivid.”


Rather than cast a single performer as Woods, the three women have point-of-view sex with the actors portraying him. “They submitted 20 to 25 men that I got to choose from,” Devon James recalls. “We got a print out with what movies they’d done and their body-part size and everything, so I knew exactly what I was getting into.” Illustrating the bandwagon nature of porn-production companies these days, James recalls: “The guy I had picked by chance had already played Tiger in a movie, not for Vivid but for another company.”

Director B.Skow also used the opportunity to film the women answering Tiger-related questions—as they fondled themselves for the camera—that he admits were somewhat inappropriate.

“I have been a Tiger fan forever,” he says. “You have three different stories and you see three different parts of Tiger. But there was so many things that the girls said that were similar that Tiger liked.” B.Skow thinks that he really captured Woods’s psyche as these women claim to have experienced it. “I think people will see it as a serious interview even if the women are being sexual when they answer. I had so many questions, and not just about sex. How did he behave before tournaments? How was he...with sex when he would lose? How was he when he won? People are not going to expect this type of serious interview in a porn movie.”

Devon James, for her part, says she’d always laugh at Tiger’s public persona. “He is boring to talk to when you first meet him. He is very dry,“ she says. “I have been in the room where he does phone interviews and he is very brief. I told him, ‘If you acted like that all the time, no girl would want to hang out with you.” James adds: “But he’s not like that when he’s with a girl. I don’t want to say he is funny. He is quirky. He likes to tell dirty jokes. He’s really filthy. Mostly everything he has to talk about has to do with sex or sex between other people. South Park had him as a character and he liked that. He liked to ask about sex I had with other people. He just liked hearing about dirty stuff.”

Devon James isn’t sentimental about what she claims was a two-and-a-half year affair with the golfer. “Going into it, it was for monetary purposes and that was a huge incentive, obviously. In terms of myself, I had to be really guarded. You have to figure I am not going to be the only person. I didn’t know how many! He tried to allude to me being the only one. But he did that with all the girls.” Still, Devon James understands the tremendous appeal of Woods’s attention even in a relationship built on money and focused on sex. “Girls aren’t conned into falling for the guy. But this guy is a celebrity and everybody in the world knows who he is, and he wants to hang out with me. It’s an ego booster. Girls always have bad self-esteem, and when you have something like that happen, it’s a confidence booster in itself, regardless of anything else.”

The movie, in addition to the reenactments and interviews, of course, culminates in a sex scene between the three self-proclaimed mistresses.

“It was awkward at first,” says Devon James. “It was tense at first, even though we all were civil and you could say we all liked each other. There were no problems between us. It was just an unusual situation. But this is what we do. We’ve all done girl-girl scenes. But that one was a little more intense. All of us tried a little harder just because I think we wanted to outdo one another. But the thing is, I think Joslyn really cared for him and it was hard for her. I know Joslyn got really hurt over there being all of us. I knew I was not the only one.”

Joslyn James will not comment on the other women in the film or on her relationship with Woods. She agreed to speak with The Daily Beast only to express her displeasure with the DVD being released at this time. “This was shot two years ago. I am not that person anymore. I wish I had been in a stronger place and kept my mouth shut about everything. My life is going in a good direction now and I keep everything private. People’s feelings are not dollar signs. My mother just passed away. She died in my arms and I saw her take her last breath. I should not have to be defending myself again now. I am not perfect. I made a mistake, and I am human. I hope everyone involved lives well and does well.” She remains strongly ambivalent about her Tiger movies. “I know I shot the movies, but I have nothing to do with the way it was made and is being marketed.”

Devon James, on the other hand, is more pleased—albeit with a caveat. “Thinking back, obviously I benefited from it. I was already doing feature dancing, but I got a lot more. Then I got a bunch of feature films. I got to do more of a bunch of fun things. But the downside is people think I am a terrible slutty person.”

Both women wish Woods well. And Devon James hopes he continues his professional comeback. “I want him to win the Masters,” she says. “He is probably due for some good luck.”

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