
Newsmax Claims Anti-Vax Host Doesn’t Speak for Network


The conservative network is trying to distance itself from the host who claimed vaccines are “against nature.”


Just because Rob Schmitt has a primetime Newsmax show with his name in the title doesn’t mean his views represent the network that gave him that show. Or at least that’s what his bosses are claiming after he told viewers that vaccines are “against nature” because some diseases are “supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people.”

“Newsmax as a network strongly supports President Biden’s efforts to widely distribute the COVID vaccine. It is important for the safety of all and especially those at high risk, such as the elderly,” a spokesperson for the network said in a statement after the clip blew up online Monday.

“Medical professionals who have appeared on Newsmax have strongly encouraged Americans to get the vaccine,” they continued. “From time to time, a guest or host may not be as supportive of these efforts. However, they do not reflect the position of Newsmax.”

Yet the doctor who Schmitt was interviewing when he made those remarks was similarly skeptical of the COVID-19 vaccine. “Do you follow what I’m saying?” Schmitt asked him during the segment. “Does that make sense to somebody in medicine?”

Instead of disputing Schmitt’s theory, Dr. Peter McCullough replied, “There are some reports that support what you’re saying” and suggested that a “young person” like Schmitt, who is 37, had no need to get vaccinated because “natural immunity, for sure, is superior.”