Obama Netanyahu Visit Canceled After Gaza Flotilla Raid
Outcry as Israelis clash with aid activists.
STR New / Reuters
At least 9 people died in a raid by Israeli forces on ships carrying aid to Gaza Monday; four Israeli soldiers were wounded.The raid sparked a public outcry with Turkey, Spain, and Sweden among countries recalling thier ambassadors. The United Nations said in a statement it was shocked by the attack. A group called the Free Gaza Movement was attempting to break a blockade Israel imposed in 2007 after militant group Hamas was elected to power in the Palestinian area. The group claimed on its Twitter page that Israeli commandos jumped from helicopters onto a ship’s deck and "immediately" fired, but the Israeli military said the soldiers "were attacked with severe physical violence, including live fire, bold weapons, knives and clubs." Israel said the flotilla was meant to “de-legitimize” the country. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed "full backing" for the military's action; he is canceling his visit with President Obama, originally scheduled for Tuesday, to deal with the fallout.