One of our beloved Abbott Elementary teachers may be leaving the school for good. After accepting a fellowship with the district at the beginning of the year, in this week’s episode, Janine (Quinta Brunson) is offered a full-time, permanent position working under the superintendent (Keegan Michael-Key). Sure, she’d be allowed to still visit Abbott—but really, the elementary school wouldn’t be the same without her.
Janine breaks the news to her former colleagues, informing them that it’s all really a done deal—she’s accepted the job, and now Ava (Janelle James) can happily find her replacement. (Anyone without a signature jellybean belt like Janine’s will do, but hopefully they’re also above 5 feet 5 inches this time.) Jacob (Chris Perfetti) is bereft without his bestie. Melissa (Lisa Ann Walter) doesn’t really care. Naturally, Barbara (Sheryl Lee Ralph) has the kindest words: “I am proud of you. You have worked so hard and they are lucky to have you.” Does she ever tire of being the best?
But one person is missing from this big announcement—Gregory (Tyler James Williams), Janine’s former love interest, is putting out fires elsewhere in the school.
One of Janine’s former students, Alex (Mason Renfro), has seemingly gone missing. The second grader is luckily safe at home, but for some odd reason, he hasn’t come to school in the past eight days. If he misses two more days, he’ll be held back a year and be forced to repeat the second grade. Gregory, who taught Alex in first grade, is shocked; Alex was always a great student. What gives?
After several robocalls and unhelpful phone conversation with Alex’s grandmother, who won’t turn down the volume on The Price Is Right, there’s still no luck, so Gregory begs Janine for help. All they can really think of is to show up at Alex’s front door, so that’s exactly what they do. Alex’s excuse for missing school is so sad that it’s almost funny—he misses Janine so much. If Janine can miss school forever, why can’t he?

William Stanford Davis, Chris Perfetti
ABCJanine explains to Alex—as well as Gregory, for the first time—that she’s accepted a new role at the district and she’ll visit when she can. Alex finally agrees to rejoin second grade and everyone parts ways. But this outing has made Janine realize that she’s missing something great at the district: she and the Abbott teachers (especially Gregory) are a great team, and to split that up would really hurt the school.
That brings us back to Jacob, Janine’s other partner in crime, who has been really struggling to find his replacement BFF. Melissa has been a fine new confidant, seeing as the two are roommates. But in this episode, Jacob learns that both Melissa and Barbara have been using AI bots to respond to all of his friendly newsletters, sending their friendships into a real tizzy. It’s right about time Janine came back to the school—someone’s gotta respond to those lengthy newsletters.
And yet, Melissa and Barbara try to make right on their mistake and attempt to make it up to Jacob. In the teacher’s lounge, the pair speak loudly about a certain unlimited movie pass that somehow involves Nicole Kidman. They’re looking for someone to explain that—maybe Jacob could help? Jacob can’t resist the temptation to explain AMC A-List and the “We come to this place…for magic” pre-show.

Sheryl Lee Ralph, Lisa Ann Walter
ABCIt’s hard to tell if Janine needs to come back to Abbott. On one hand, it’s difficult to replace the queen, and Ava surely can’t be trusted to hire someone of Janine’s stature. But on the other, it’s kind of fun to see Jacob and Gregory figure out how to survive at Abbott in the wake of her departure. In the words of our AMC overlord Nicole Kidman, “Somehow, heartbreak feels good in a place like this.”