If there is a silver lining to oppressive regimes, it’s art. In Trump’s America, there’s no shortage of it.
It seems nothing—perhaps with the exception of love—inspires artistic creation like anger, frustration, and a need to be heard. Enter the Trump era, where for anyone paying attention, each day is more exhausting than the last. There’s plenty to be frustrated about: the way our president has treated women, the possibility of impending nuclear war, the ongoing attacks on the press, the stripping of civil rights, or the treatment of immigrants in a country founded by them.
A few days shy of the one year anniversary of Trump’s inauguration, a cozy gallery space in Tribeca neighborhood opened the exhibition One Year of Resistance—a collective answer to the first year of the 45th president’s term. Featuring art from dozens of artists, One Year of Resistance topics range from domestic violence to race inequality to poverty.
One noticeable piece is White Lies from Detroit-based Ann Lewis, whose work chronicles every lie told by President Trump in his first year. One side remains a normal American flag, while the other is completely white-washed with 14 layers of the text of Trump’s lies. Lewis explained to The Daily Beast that she has been monitoring The Washington Post’s Trump Fact Checker, and adding each of Trump’s fibs in white marker until the flag has become completely opaque.
Here, The Daily Beast gives a sneak peak into the show. One Year of Resistance is on display at Untitled Space in New York City until Feb. 4, 2018.