I’m probably more passionate about kitchen items than most things. But that’s because they are so incredibly useful, especially now, when all of us are cooking more and more. I like to find things I can use for many, many tasks, not just one or two. Unitaskers are great, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not the biggest fan of having a hundred random gizmos and gadgets floating around my drawers and then having to go organize them all. Really, in my opinion, you only need one spatula (this one), two knives, and a wooden spoon never hurt anyone. But if you’re looking to take your cooking to the next level, I can’t recommend this enough.
At first glance, you might think all tongs are alike. That’s where you’re wrong. These tongs are special. If you’re between a pair of nine inch and twelve inch tongs, the answer is a no-brainer. Twelve inch tongs like these are superior because you’ll never burn yourself over a hot grill or a steaming dutch oven. These tongs also have silicone scalloped heads, and while some might prefer the heads to be stainless steel, I just don’t see their point of view. The silicone heads pick up absolutely anything you need them to, whether it’s meat off the grill, fresh cooked noodles, or delicate fish, and remain easy to clean unlike their counterparts. And because they’re nonstick, they’ll work well with any cookware you put in their way, and won’t scratch or scuff their surfaces.
But what would a great set of tongs be without an amazing lock feature? These are easy to lock, and easy to put away, so you can pull them out of the drawer with ease. Because of the silicone heads, they still make a fun click sound, but it's much less grating than metal on metal. You can click them together as much as you want, and I’m sure you will. Once these tongs enter your life, you’ll never think about a kitchen tool the same way again.

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