U.S. News

Palm Beach ‘Patriots’ Are Ready to Die for Their Freedom to Breathe Mask-Free


Before the county board of commissioners voted to require masks in public places, they were excoriated by witnesses as communist dictators who love the devil—and hate freedom.

Palm Beach County

Devil love is propelling the “deep state” to stomp on the U.S. Constitution and deprive us of our God-given oxygen along with our inalienable rights by making us wear face masks on orders from those who are poised to defund the police.

And those officials who follow the devil’s law and mandate masks the way the Nazis once mandated yellow stars for Jews will be subject to citizen’s arrest by We the People for crimes against humanity.

If you believe all that, you would have fit right in with the more fervent opponents who testified on Tuesday as the Palm Beach County board of commissioners prepared to vote on whether to require face masks in public places. 

Some of those who spoke against the proposed measure said they had yet to see definitive proof that masks are effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Others with medical conditions that make masks untenable felt the measure discriminated against them. One woman offered a unique objection that drew a laugh from both sides.

“I don’t wear a mask for the same reason I don’t wear underwear,” she said. “Things got to breathe.” 

Others were far enough on the fringe of reason to seem particularly apt residents of Trump’s new home county in Florida.

“My name is Butch Dias, and I am an American patriot,” one man began. “See that flag? I would die for that flag! The Constitution that you are supposed to uphold, I would die for that!”

He told the seven commissioners they had disgraced both by having already made up their minds before the hearing.

“You didn’t listen to We the People!”

He paused to give thanks to any cops who were present. He then asked the commissioners: “But what’s going to happen when you get the call… ‘Oh, we got to defund the police, we got to get rid of them.’... Who’s going to arrest the people for [not] wearing stupid masks?... What are you going to do? How are you going to put the people down?”

“You do not care about We the People. It’s pathetic. It breaks my heart.”

He again accused the commissioners of making the vote a foregone conclusion. 

“You probably already have your orders already taken care of. You don’t really care. You could have at least faked it. You do not care about We the People. It’s pathetic. It breaks my heart, because I would die for that flag, I would die for this country, and I would die for the Constitution. And you guys are supposed to uphold the Constitution. But you know what? You didn’t. You let We the People down.”

He was so vehement that the possibility his spittle spray carried COVID-19 affirmed the wisdom of having a clerk spritz the microphone with disinfectant between each speaker. They included a woman who began with a question.

“Hey, good morning. Let me ask you all: Do you believe you’re God?” she asked. “Do you believe you can override God’s divine plan for our lives? Do you believe God gave us life and God takes away our life? Well, if you answer yes to all these questions, who gives you the right to choose how we live our lives? I choose faith over fear every day. You’re not God, and since masks are harmful, where there is risk there should be choice. You’re removing our freedoms and stomping on our constitutional rights by these communist dictatorship orders… If you do vote to mandate masks in the workplace and public schools and stores, the death of many will be on your hands.”

She then further inquired, “Do you want to be called, known for communist dictators? Is this the legacy you want to be known for? Do you want to be responsible for fearmongering misinformation fed to your citizens?”

She went on, “The problem with humanity today is ignorance, arrogance, and apathy. Keep listening to the TV brainwashing you from birth. Keep listening to conditioning messages in your local stores while shopping, just like Fidel Castro did over loudspeakers in Cuba. Don’t you see the problem? The truth is out there... Remember, God is watching you.”

She said a medical condition keeps her from wearing a mask, but she did not seem likely to do so anyway. She said there was “no way” masks can stop the spread of COVID.

“So stop spreading the lies.”

Another spritz of disinfectant and another speaker stepped up to the mic. She wore a municipal uniform of some kind with an American flag on the shoulder. She began by saying she was American-born and was greatly distressed to see her constitutional rights being violated with no scientific proof. 

“And they want to throw God’s wonderful breathing system out the door,” she said. “You’re all turning your backs on it. Can you prove that it’s good for people to breathe carbon dioxide over and over and over again? God made it so that we would breathe in fresh oxygen, to go to our body, to every cell in the body. It has to have that to make energy. When you wear a mask, the nose is cut off, the mouth is cut off.”

Her voice was muffled as she placed an open hand over her lips.

“And you’re breathing carbon dioxide over and over and over again. You’re not getting the fresh oxygen that God intended. You’re sending carbon dioxide to every cell in the body, polluting it. Especially the brain…”

She continued, “I can’t understand why you would all decide something like this and want to hurt the people. You’re going to harm the health of all of the people. The virus is going to keep on going because people’s bodies are being polluted and the virus is attracted to polluted bodies. You’re going against God’s wonderful gift he gave us.”

“Every single one of you has a smirk behind that little mask, but every single one of you are going to get punished by God.”

She appeared to be near tears when she stepped away. Another spritz on the mic preceded a woman in a red blouse who spoke of another kind of cleansing. 

“What I came to say is We the People will work day and night to clean every single seat if need be,” she began.

She meant unseat and take into custody the commissioners arrayed before her. 

“We will get together and do a citizen’s arrest on every single human being that goes against the freedom of choice, OK? You cannot mandate… knowing that the mask is killing people... We the People are waking up and we know what a citizen’s arrest is. Because citizen’s arrests are already happening and every single one of you that’s obeying the devil’s laws are going to be arrested. And you are going to be arrested for crimes against humanity.”

She invoked the wrath of the Almighty.

“Every single one of you has a smirk behind that little mask, but every single one of you are going to get punished by God. You cannot escape God. You cannot escape God. I’m going to say that again. You cannot escape God.” 

She went on, appearing in the flesh with notions usually seen on ultra-right online postings. 

“Not even with a mask or 6 feet. OK, 6 feet is military protocol. You’re trying to get the people to train them so when the cameras, the 5G come out, when they’re going to scan everybody. We got to get scanned, we got to get temperatured, the kids have to go to school with masks.”

She posited a question that she might have been asked herself.

“Are you insane? Are you crazy? I think all of you should be in a psych ward right the heck now. Because none of you, none of you know what the hell you are talking about. This is insane. And then you want to open the meeting with a prayer to God. Are you praying to the devil? Because God is not listening to that prayer. Because all of you are practicing the devil’s love.”

She was not done.

“What happened to Bill Gates? Why is he not in jail? Why is Hillary Clinton not in jail? Why are all these pedophiles that are demanding you all to listen to their rules, why are they not in jail? 

“Oh, is it because you’re part of them?... The deep state is going down and if any of you are in the deep state, you’re going down with it.”

Another woman began by going biblical.

“I’d like to say, in the beginning God formed man out of the earth and breathed his breath in him and he became a living soul,” she said. “Where do you derive the authority to regulate human breathing?”

She called into question the credentials of the director of the Palm Beach County Department of Health, Alina Alonso, who is highly respected. Alonso sat nearby, having testified earlier. 

“I have many questions about your degrees and what you really know, because what you say is the political dogma that they’re trying to shove down our throats on every commercial and every store, and it’s disgusting,” she told Alonso. “And I’m sorry, ma’am, but I don’t think you are worthy of your credentials and I would ask suggestively that you go back to school and get educated.”

One of the commissioners asked the woman to keep her remarks to the issue at hand. 

The witness continued, “It is appalling that each and every one of you sitting up there as human beings, part of the human race, the only race that we have, would suggest to muffle people, to put masks on your face to keep us from breathing oxygen, to get us to become sickly.”

She suggested that the virus threat had been deliberately overblown.

“There’s not enough [COVID] to make it a pandemic. This is a planned-demic.”

Another witness arrived in a wheelchair with two American flags and a “Reba for Congress” message on the back. She was given a handheld mic and she identified herself as Reba Sherrill, candidate for U.S. Congress. Her campaign photos include one of her with President Trump. She started out quite reasonable.

“If masks work for you, or if you think they do, wear one,” she said. “Don’t impose your opinion on those who disagree. Each one can chose whether they will wear one or not. Each one lives with the consequence.”

One might add that the consequence is for other people.

“Discriminating against certain groups of people while exempting others is a violation of your civil rights,” she continued. “Following World War II, we Jews said ‘Never Again.’… In Germany, Poland, and across Europe we were forced to wear a gold star, told to get on a box car to be taken to a safe place. In reality, what happened? If we forget history, we are doomed to repeat it.”

She concluded with the line: “This is not about health, this is about submission.”

A witness in a camouflage baseball cap told the commissioners, “I want to know who is getting paid off and where is the mandate coming from.” 

She said she heard the commissioners say COVID-19 is spreading.

“Well, guess what, the riots are spreading, too!” she went on. “And what the hell are we going to do about that? We’re going to arrest patriots for not wearing a mask? That’s what you want?”

She had equated patriotism with refusing to wear a mask. Her closing exclamation came as no surprise. 

“And I say Trump 2020!”

A total of 52 people had submitted requests to testify for their allotted two minutes each. Only a few spoke in favor of masks, signaling their intent by wearing one when they stepped up to the mic. 

The commissioners needed all of a minute to vote unanimously in favor of making masks mandatory in public places. All the talk in opposition of God and the devil’s law and inalienable rights and the Constitution and the Holocaust was outweighed by two simple sentences from Alonso that were as clear as sanity itself: 

“I wear one to protect you. You wear one to protect me.”