Some parents in New Jersey have been urged to monitor their children closely and possibly test them for diseases after a school janitor allegedly recorded himself doing a series of vile acts that included spreading his urine and feces on cafeteria food. The disturbing details emerged this week after cops say 25-year-old Giovanni Impellizzeri posted self-recorded videos to Telegram. Among other things, Impellizzeri is accused of masturbating on pillows and kitchen bowls, as well as putting bleach in food, and wiping his genitals with bread that was later given to children. Authorities say Impellizzeriâs alleged acts were âwith the intention to harm students,â and he was arrested on charges of official misconduct and assault. Authorities say the disturbing acts took place at the Elizabeth F. Moore School in Deerfield Township, a school attended by students between third and fifth grade. Cops said theyâll collect bodily fluid samples from Impellizzeri to see if he may have transferred any infectious diseases.