U.S. News

Parkland Parents Launch Anti-NRA Super PAC


Following in the footsteps of their children, this parent PAC is taking on NRA-backed legislators.

Jonathan Drake/ REUTERS / Reuters

Incensed by political inactivity on gun reform, the parents of Parkland students have banded together to form an anti-NRA super PAC, reports the Miami Herald. The group, known as Families vs Assault Rifles, won’t back political candidates. Instead, they plan to air negative ads against pro-gun politicians during midterm elections and force a ban on assault weapons, bump stocks, and high-capacity magazines. The group registered with state and federal authorities on May 18—the day of the Santa Fe shooting—and is comprised almost entirely of volunteers. They made a strong statement soon after, when they responded to a Twitter post in which Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) offered prayers to victims by asking if it was too early to begin calling the senator “little prayer bitch.” “We don’t have any skin in the game” Jeff Kasky, father of student activist Cameron Kasky, told the Herald, “other than the actual skin of our kids and our families.”

Read it at The Miami Herald