
Woman Charged With Punching Flight Attendant in Mid-Air Brawl


“The cops aren’t going to do anything to me!” Chenasia Campbell yelled as she attacked the flight attendant, according to a criminal complaint.

Scott Olson

A woman was arrested after allegedly assaulting a flight attendant aboard an American Airlines flight from Miami to New York City on Sunday. According to a criminal complaint, Chenasia Campbell left her seat midway through the flight and began to yell at one of the flight attendants, demanding that she pick up Campbell’s garbage. When another attendant attempted to intervene, blows ensued. Campbell allegedly yelled “the cops aren’t going to do anything to me!” and beat the intervening attendant, pulling her hair, and attempting to “pull up or remove” the victim’s dress. When the captain refused to ground the plane, an off-duty NYPD officer was forced to intervene, placing Campbell in handcuffs and turning her over to authorities once the plane landed at JFK airport. The victim is described as sustaining “scrapes” and “bruises,” but reportedly refused medical assistance.