The celebrity chef started a media frenzy when she revealed that she has diabetes, with some blaming her high-fat career. See some of her fattiest concoctions, from deep-fried cheesecake to a hamburger with doughnut buns.

Who hasn’t thought of substituting doughnuts for a hamburger bun? But it takes Paula Deen to think of adding bacon and a fried egg.

The Paula Deen technique: substitute doughnuts for bread, sweetened condensed milk for milk.

The other way to Paula Deen-ify a recipe: take a dessert and deep fry it. In this case, Deen figured out a way to fry cheesecake by covering it in spring roll wrappers.

Or just deep fry … butter. Mix butter and cream cheese, bread it, and fry it.

A hearty variation on French toast, stuffed with peanut butter and bananas.

Sixteen sausauges, cornbread, a cup of maple syrup, and four or five apples. At least there’s fruit.

Can’t decide what bird to make for Thanksgiving? How about a chicken stuffed in a duck stuffed in a turkey, with a quarter inch of buttery cornbread stuffing between each layer.

Half pound Velveeta cheese, two boxes of sugar, and half a cup of cocoa powder.

Like the Lady Burger, the Lady’s Cheesy Mac takes an already outrageous recipe up a notch. In this case, macaroni and cheese is wrapped in bacon and deep fried.
Carrie Anne Castillo / Corbis