
Play Our Bingo to Save You From Presidential Debate Agony

Ready to Rumble

Tuesday night may showcase democracy in peril but don’t worry: Here’s a way to have some fun while we watch Kamala Harris and Donald Trump duke it out on the debate stage.

Gif of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on a bingo board
Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/Reuters/Getty

Gear up, everyone: It’s time to debate.

Kamala Harris makes her debut and it’s a take-two for Donald Trump as the duo face off on Tuesday in the City of Brotherly Love in what is sure to be an anything-but-fraternal 90 minutes.

Just two (painfully eventful) months ago, Trump had an easy victory against Joe Biden, whose dismal performance spawned so much concern about his ability to win that he officially left the ticket a couple of weeks after.

Now it’s the VP’s turn to duke it out with the former president. David Muir and Lindsey Davis of ABC will be our shepherds. Time will tell if they will be able to protect the American viewing public from another unhinged, catastrophic spectacle that was debate number one.

And to help you through the night, why not make it a bingo game? Use it as a drinking game (but remember, it is a Tuesday), use it to tick through the questions, or a fun de-stresser.

Download it by clicking this link. Doodle on your phone. Be retro and dust off that printer you haven’t used since college! Help yourself cope with the inevitable chaos in a humorous, non-destructive manner. One that won’t leave you downing Pedialyte and wearing sunglasses at your desk come morning.

Join us at 9pm EST. Tweet us (X us?) your progress. And look forward to round three: the coach vs. couch edition.

presidential debate bingo
Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/Getty/Reuters