Ron Jeremy, aka The Hedgehog, is not much to look at.
Measuring in at 5-foot-6 and 250 pounds, with a bushy mustache and shoulder-length, greasy black hair, the rumored narcoleptic—who’s often dressed in tattered sweatpants and a weathered T-shirt—has been porn’s resident dirty old man for years. He holds the Guinness World Record for most adult film appearances, and has appeared in mainstream films like The Boondock Saints and Detroit Rock City, as well as the reality TV show The Surreal Life. As the world’s most recognizable male porn star, the 64-year-old has become a sort of cultural curiosity—or a celebrity D-lister, as one young model describes her initial awareness of him.
“I didn’t really know him from adult films or anything like that but he had cameos in movies and music videos I grew up watching. He was never really an adult film star to my generation. I feel like we never viewed him in that fashion. He was on TV and in movies… a celebrity,” says Kristin Brodie, 22.
Last year, Brodie won a modeling competition to become one of the 2017 KISW Rock Girls, representing an award-winning Seattle, Washington, radio station dubbed “The Rock of Seattle.” A Washington native and KISW fan, Brodie idolized the Rock Girls and vividly recalls sitting in the front seat of her mom’s car as a little girl, staring at their pictures plastered on the sides of buses.
“I grew up wanting to be one of them. In Seattle that was the peak of beauty and music and interest. They embodied what I wanted to be. They were beautiful and stayed true to their music,” says Brodie.
As a first-year Rock Girl, Brodie eagerly attended as many gigs as she could, which is no easy feat for a college student juggling two jobs. When she received the gig invite for a Castle Megastore event this past September, she says it was only after she accepted it that she realized it was an adult store—not that it mattered since her job description remained the same: show up to the event, set up a booth with music, and represent the radio station with two of her fellow models.
Porn stars Ron Jeremy, Lily LaBeau, and Allie Haze were signing at the Castle Megastore that day. As Brodie describes it, she and her fellow Rock Girls entered the store to meet Ron Jeremy and the other adult film stars. “I’m a Rock Girl so I’m supposed to take photos and look excited and happy to be there. Ron Jeremy asked if we wanted a signed picture then asks [a fellow Rock Girl] if he can sign her boob. She seemed hesitant but said yes,” recalls Brodie, at which point she describes Jeremy staring at her and, not wanting to be the odd one out, says she felt pressure to go along with it.
“Our Rock Girl uniforms are just torn up T-shirts. There’s not a lot of coverage so you can see the top part of your chest. There’s no need to move the collar but that’s what he did to all three of us. He pulled our shirts open and reached inside our bras, all the way to the bottom and squeezed hard almost pulling [our breasts] out of our bra, and for me it felt like he was squeezing an udder or appraising something. It was very unpleasant,” Brodie tells The Daily Beast. “I was nervous… but I was a Rock Girl and knew I was being watched, so with that knowledge I tried to look unbothered and unfazed even though I was not.”
After the unsettling experience of being groped, Brodie was already outside with her coworkers when she realized she didn’t get any photos of herself with the infamous Jeremy. Determined to get a photo for her social media feed, Brodie says she went back inside for a selfie with Jeremy.
“I was just trying to open my Snapchat and immediately his hand was on my bum. I was frazzled all over again and realized my mistake in going back to this person. I felt like my skin dropped two or three degrees, and then he moved his hand forward and started tapping and rubbing on the outside part of my shorts and underwear, pushing up through the cloth. I finished taking the picture and my hands were shaking. Then he asked if he could show me something,” Brodie recalls.
She continues: “He turned me around and started sucking on the back of my neck while still groping me and tapping his fingers and trying to push them through the cloth. At this point I start looking around for anyone to do something because its pretty clear on my face that I’m in distress. I was looking for anybody that could register on their face what I was feeling, and all I was met with were faces looking on like a car accident was happening, and there wasn’t going to be any help. His bodyguard started making a couple of moves towards me—he could tell I was distressed—and then Ron Jeremy says, ‘I’ll back off in a sec, I’ll back off in a sec,’ and his bodyguard made no more moves towards us. And I realized nothing would be done until he was done doing what he wanted.”
According to a source who was there that day, Jeremy did not have a bodyguard—though it may have appeared that way. The source, who wishes to remain anonymous, says it was a friend of Jeremy’s who was referred to as his “handler,” there to keep him on track.
Brodie describes feeling numb from the experience, saying, “When he asked, ‘Did that give you goosebumps?’ I offered up my arm, which clearly didn’t have goosebumps, and I was like, ‘Yeah, sure,’ and I again made an excuse to go back outside to my other Rock Girls. He motions towards me, to the top half of my body, and says, ‘May I say goodbye?’ And I didn’t really know what he meant at the time. I was in shock, and didn’t know what else this man could mean or do. We were in public. I grabbed at my own collar, a feeble attempt at mediating how much he could pull it away from me but it did nothing. He pulled my shirt and my bra completely open away from my body and pulled it down, then lowered his face down [into them]. He ran his tongue over my nipple. He pulled the tip of it into his mouth and flicked the tip of his tongue over and over the tip of my nipple. It hurt at first because I’m pierced and I was scared.”

Ron Jeremy attends the premiere of 'Finding Bliss' during the 2009 Slamdance Film Festival on January 18, 2009, in Park City, Utah.
Frazer Harrison/Getty ImagesRon Jeremy could not be reached for comment regarding the alleged incident with Brodie, but described performing similar techniques while signing autographs at conventions in an interview late last month with The Daily Beast.
When commenting on the groping allegations webcam model Ginger Banks previously brought forth against him, Jeremy said, “It’s an absolute fact that a lot of women want me to sign their boob, kiss a boob but I don’t put anything in her… What I’ve done often is what I call ‘tapping.’ Once in a rare while I’ll kiss their neck, they get goosebumps. I’ll tap but don’t actually put anything in—just tap the outside of their underwear and they jump a mile. It’s, like, a goosebumps thing but only when I know a girl or she’s agreeing to do that but I don’t do that very much.”
He added, “If I ever grabbed a girl against her will I’d have a face like a panda bear. If I did something against someone’s will I’d have been punched in the face by now.”
A well-known adult actress who prefers to remain anonymous “in order to keep making films and money,” says Ron has a reputation for this type of predatory behavior: “The first time I met him on set he put his fingers in my pussy unexpectedly. I was brand new, outside smoking a cigarette and he comes out just being Ron Jeremy. All of a sudden he’s fingering me, and I’m like whoa. He was just there as an extra on set, he wasn’t even there performing,” says the female porn star. “We joke about it—there’s Ron stay five feet away from him because he does that. We don’t think anything of it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t even register. It’s like, oh great, another girl got groped by Ron Jeremy, join the club.”
When Brodie told her fellow Rock Girls what happened, she says they labeled him a creepy old man and then went on like normal, sharing their own stories about the creeps they’d met on the job. “Just like that it was downsized, not intentionally which was not what they meant to do, it’s just what happens when someone has gone through tragedy,” says Brodie. “The danger of that is it brings about some normalcy to the job no matter who you are, even if you are in adult entertainment—which is not at all what a KISW Rock Girl is.”
According to Brodie, the incident stayed with her, never fading far enough away. “Ghost sensations” is how she referred to them. “I’d be driving and wouldn’t even be thinking about it necessarily, and I’d be able to feel his tongue,” says Brodie. “No matter what I do with my life at this point this is now a part of my history and I cannot do anything to replace it or get rid of it.
“I realized this was not going to be something I could get over by throwing myself into my normal routine and pretending like it didn’t happen,” she adds. “You know how you’re aware of your body but you’re unaware of it like breathing or blinking—you don’t notice each time that you do it, but because of this, I had a hypersensitivity of my own genitals. It felt like they didn’t belong to me anymore. I called my mom, I felt broken, and I shared it with the one person I thought would understand and she helped.”
Since the incident, which she reported to local police, Brodie has sought legal representation with high-profile Seattle attorney Anne Bremner. “I was the next girl. I don’t want that to happen anymore. I want the cycle to break,” says Brodie. “I can’t prevent everyone from being put in this position but maybe I can prevent them from being put in this position by him, if that’s the only power I have.”