
Prancercise Lady in ‘X Rated’ Video


New “uninhibited” routine.


Joanna Rohrback, the fitness guru behind Prancercise who galloped her way into our hearts last month, is back with a new video titled “Uninhibited Fitness” (with a tongue-in-cheek disclaimer that it's “X Rated ... to immature and prudish people”). In it she promises “To give you more / Of what you’ve been asking for / But oh / Not so much camel toe ...” She goes on to declare: “Let them stare and gawk / I’m gonna do my Prancercise walk.” The 60-year-old Internet celeb recently addressed the pitfalls that can arise on the fast track to fame in an interview with a local Florida paper, in which she said she had received nasty comments about her videos and claimed someone hacked into her email. Haters gonna hate. Rohrback’s gonna prance.

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