A public-affairs officer at Fort Bragg, the North Carolina megabase that’s home to the U.S. Army’s XVIII Airborne Corps and its special-operations contingent, seemingly forgot he was logged in to the base’s Twitter account when he began responding to sex-worker tweets Wednesday. When user @quinnfinite10 made fun of a subscriber to her OnlyFans for not appreciating her pubic hair, the Fort Bragg account rallied to her defense, claiming the subscriber was “lost and doesn’t know a good thing when it’s staring him in the eyes, or tickling his nose in this case.” More than 30 minutes later, the Fort Bragg account fantasized about performing oral and penetrative sex on her “before I come up to give you a deep long kiss.” @quinfinite10 later added, “normalize horny tweeting from US army forts.” About an hour after the horny-tweeting began, the account claimed to have been “hacked” rather than having an authorized user mistakenly log in. The entire account then appeared to be deleted. On Thursday, a tweet on the XVIII Airborne Corps account reported the initiation of the investigation led to a confession, and that “an administrator for the account identified himself as the source of the tweets. Appropriate action is underway.”
This morning, at the initiation of an investigation into yesterday’s incident regarding inappropriate tweets on the Fort Bragg Twitter account, an administrator for the account identified himself as the source of the tweets. Appropriate action is underway.