
QAnon’s Newest Hero Is D-List ‘Vanderpump Rules’ Star Isaac Kappy


Isaac Kappy accuses stars like Tom Hanks and Seth Green of being sexual predators, but he’s the one under investigation for disturbing behavior.

Photo Illustration by Lyne Lucien/The Daily Beast

The QAnon conspiracy theory broke on to the national stage at a Trump rally last week, bringing new attention to its believers’ bizarre claims that Donald Trump is battling a global network of elite pedophiles.

That’s made QAnon supporters eager to believe anyone who offers them a shred of confirmation for their wild theory, which is based in Washington, D.C. and Hollywood. They are so desperate for proof, in fact, that they’re willing to embrace D-list actor Isaac Kappy as a hero.

Kappy was introduced to the Infowars audience by Alex Jones as a “pretty big movie star” and he calls himself a “Hollywood whistleblower,” accusing a long list of Hollywood stars, without evidence, of being pedophiles. Kappy, who claims to have followed QAnon posts since they started to appear on anonymous internet forums last October, says he’s seen from the inside how Hollywood is run by predators.

"I've had people that have actually seen the blackmail material for a lot of really big people, that you know their names, world-wide,” Kappy said on Infowars.

Two years ago, he was just an actor who had minor roles in movies like Thor before he got part on Bravo reality-TV show Vanderpump Rules.

Kappy’s cameos on the show about gossipy staffers at Los Angeles restaurant SUR came through Charles McMansion, the band that he formed with Vanderpump regular Tom Sandoval. For their only song, “Touch in Public,” the duo filmed a music video in which Sandoval and Kappy arouse library patrons with a “sexual liberation machine.”

Kappy and Sandoval closed out Vanderpump’s fourth season with a performance of the disco-inflected song in front of the show’s cast.

“Hey, let’s touch in public,” the two crooned. “Is your ass good luck? ‘Cause I want to rub it.”

Since then he’s been pitching pedophile allegations at QAnon believers, regularly tweeting QAnon slogans like “Where We Go One, We Go All.” In return, Kappy’s baseless accusations against celebrities like Tom Hanks have been embraced by QAnon believers.

His allegations made via Periscope livestream have become fodder for countless conspiracy YouTube videos, including ones that dominated search results for Hanks until YouTube stepped in.

“Isaac Kappy is a HERO! Get his back!” enthused one user on the QAnon subreddit. “He's woke AF!! BOOM!!!”

But much of Kappy’s proof of Hollywood pedophilia is thin. For example, he once talked to a man who said he liked to “unplug” from his phone on weekends, a remark Kappy took not as a sign of social media overload, but as proof that that the man was a pedophile eager to avoid NSA surveillance.

In another instance, Kappy claims he once found a Facebook page offering a new car in exchange for membership in the Illuminati. The next day, a man at a party bragged about his Tesla, then made fun of Kappy for driving a Hyundai. Kappy took that as an offer to join the Illuminati.

“There’s no way this is a coincidence,” Kappy said in his Infowars appearance.

But Kappy has been accused of some dangerous behavior of his own. Los Angeles police are looking into allegations that he choked Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris Jackson, according to a TMZ report, and he’s allegedly been sending unhinged letters to actor Seth Green. In a rambling tweet, he threatened to “rain” bullets in Hollywood. Kappy declined a request for comment. The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed that they’re looking into the choking allegation, but said it is not an active investigation.

“Is your ass good luck? ‘Cause I want to rub it.”
— Isaac Kappy

Kappy’s Hollywood comedy connections and his bizarre presentation, which includes unkempt hair and yellow sunglasses reminiscent of The Simpsons character “Disco Stu,” have prompted even some of his would-be allies on the right to accuse him of pulling an elaborate stunt on them.

On Infowars, Jones repeatedly pressed Kappy on whether he was trying to pull off a Sacha Baron Cohen-style operation.

“This is not a trolling operation,” Kappy said.

Some QAnon believers haven’t been convinced, either. The anonymous poster behind QAnon has never addressed Kappy directly, and some have accused him of being a “deep-state trickster” meant to distract QAnon from the real truth.

But Kappy keeps coming up with claims, albeit ones that are often easily explained away.

For example, Kappy claims that Green once told him they needed to “have a conversation about chicken,” which Kappy took to be a codeword for pedophilia. But even Jones, no stranger to baseless conspiracy theories, had to point out the much more innocent explanation: Green has a show on Cartoon Network called Robot Chicken.