
How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep When You’re a Light Sleeper


Here are a couple of things to add to your routine that could help ease you in and out of sleep at a regular pace.


When you’re a light sleeper, it can be hard to get a substantial night’s sleep. Sounds and light are the main sources of distress for light sleepers, but environmental stresses (like anxiety) can contribute to the tossing and turning and constantly waking up. A loud truck driving by, a streetlight peaking through the blinds, the sun coming up—everything can be the deciding factor as to how much sleep you get. But fear not, because we have recommendations for items to add to your routine that could help ease you in and out of sleep at a regular pace.

Block Out Sound


Headphones are great at keeping the noise you want in and keeping everything else out, but they’re not so great to sleep in. If you need some extra help with blocking out construction (or a snoring partner), get yourself a pair of sleep-centric headphones. Bose makes a pair of earbuds that fit neatly into your ears at night and can stream hours of white noise options. If you’re more of an over-the-ear wearer, the CozyPhones are basically like earmuffs with speakers. Or, just get a pair of good old-fashioned earplugs.

Bose Noise Masking Sleepbuds
CozyPhones Sleep Headphones
Mack's Slim Fit Soft Foam Earplugs

Block Out Light


The odd streetlamp or beam of rising sun can easily wreck a good night’s sleep. Block them out by either investing in a comfortable sleep mask, like the best-selling Alaska Bear Natural Sleep Mask, or updating your window situation. For the latter, I recommend picking up some hefty blackout curtains and getting the Umbra Twilight Curtain Rod, which wraps around and brings your curtains close to the wall, blocking out any stray light.

Alaska Bear Natural Sleep Mask
Deconovo Room Darkening Window Curtain
Umbra Twilight Single Curtain Rod Set

Block Out Stress


If your jitters keep waking you up during the night, try taking some time during your bedtime routine to truly unwind. Brew yourself a cup of Bedtime tea, full of soothing chamomile and spicy licorice and cinnamon to warm you up from the inside. Another option is to unwind with a hot bath before bed. Up the relaxation with a CBD-infused bath bomb.

Yogi Tea - Bedtime

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