Louie Gohmert Blames Mass Shootings on Lack of Prayers
In a House session on gun control legislation, Gohmert said that prayer being “eliminated from schools” might be the reason behind widespread mass killings.
U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) went on a rant during a Wednesday House session on gun reform legislation, suggesting that mass killings may cease if Americans said more prayers. Gohmert claimed Democrats were “disgusted hearing about prayers” in a House debate last week, saying “Look, maybe if we heard more prayers from leaders of this country instead of taking God’s name in vain, we wouldn’t have the mass killings like we didn’t have before prayer was eliminated from schools.” Gohmert continued by saying that the cities with the most homicides were all controlled by Democrats. In an attempt to discredit proposed reforms, he said: “What the Democrats call due process is just like the Jan. 6 committee. It’s not due process. It’s not bipartisan.” Just last week, Gohmert complained that Republicans can’t lie to Congress or the FBI without repercussions. He also said it wasn’t “very effective for the children” to accuse pro-gun Republicans of being complicit in mass shootings... before accusing Democrats of being complicit in murder.
Gohmert: Maybe if we heard more prayers from leaders in this country instead of taking god’s name in vain, we wouldn’t have the mass killings like we didn’t have before prayer was eliminated from schools pic.twitter.com/vq1BQFzPkA