Report: Feds Have Logged Over 160 Attempts to Hack the Midterms Since August
Efforts to meddle in voting have stepped up in recent weeks.
Reuters / Chris Keane
Hackers have stepped up their attempts to disrupt Tuesday’s midterm elections by targeting voter registration databases, election officials, and networks throughout the U.S., the Boston Globe reports. Citing intelligence documents, the report states the Department of Homeland Security has launched a raft of investigations into the interference that has so far had “limited success.” The incidents include injections of malicious computer code and huge numbers of bogus requests for voter-registration forms, according to the report. Federal agencies have logged more than 160 reports of suspected meddling in U.S. elections since Aug. 1, and the pace has stepped up in recent weeks, when there have been as many as 10 incidents a day. “It’s like a burglar walking up to your house in middle of night, jiggling the door to see if it’s unlocked,” said Jim Condos, president of the National Association of Secretaries of State and Vermont’s top election official. “That’s what it looks like—they’re trying to figure out your weakness.”