
Report: Israel Finds Tunnels Under West Bank Wall

The News From Israel

"But it's an illusion to think that nations do everything only because of economic considerations. Every people has its dreams and its goals, and that's true for us and for the Palestinians. The Palestinians want to be a people, they don't just want to be in a better economic situation. We need to take that into account."--Outgoing Governor of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer, shares his views on a two-state solution.

  • 3,000 Bedouins protest: 'With blood we'll redeem our land' - Demonstrators against Prawer plan for Bedouin settlements regularization in Negev carry Palestinian flags. Police surprised by large number of protesters, who claim country wishes to take away their land. Knesset vote on plan on Monday. (Ynet and Maan)
  • Israeli military judge: West Bank legal system 'impairs' sense of justice for Palestinians - Judge Meir Wigisser recommends using 'non-conviction' method employed by civilian courts, also says court should be authorized to have the option of issuing a warning to the defendant that he or she not repeat the offense. (Haaretz+)
  • Report: Israel guard shoots Palestinian armed with knife - Israeli media reported Thursday that guards at a checkpoint between Jerusalem and Ramallah shot a young Palestinian who was carrying a knife. (Maan)
  • Israeli settlers attack cars, homes in northern West Bank - Dozens of Israeli settlers from Yitzhar on Thursday threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at Palestinian homes and cars in the northern West Bank, damaging several vehicles. Meanwhile, residents of Bracha settlement attacked Burin village, throwing Molotov cocktails at Bashir al-Zein's home. The Israeli military intervened. (Maan)
  • The price of discrimination in Israel: One year in prison - Justice Ministry issues legal memorandum on new punishment for discrimination based on religion, race or gender. (Haaretz+)
  • IDF to reconsider uniform exemption for haredi soldiers - Chief intelligence officer meets haredi soldiers, says request to wear civilian clothing in public transport to be reviewed to reduce harassment from sector. (Ynet)
  • Report: Israel finds tunnels under West Bank wall - Israel's army has uncovered two tunnels under the separation wall, used by Palestinians to enter Israel from the West Bank. (Maariv, p. 1/NRG Hebrew and Maan)

For the full News from Israel.

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