Retired Wrestler Jimmy Rave Has Both Legs Amputated Because of MRSA Infection
He already had his arm removed because of an infection.
Adamop/Wikimedia Commons
Last year, professional wrestler Jimmy Rave retired because an infection forced doctors to amputate his arm. Now, Rave is revealing that he also had both legs amputated in June because of MRSA, a drug-resistant bacteria that can be deadly. In a Twitter post, the 38-year-old wrestler—whose real name is James Gaffney—said he’s been dogged by rumors that his health problems were caused by another condition. “Pro Wrestling is all I ever loved. It sucks to think that the tribe I would have died for, would say untrue things about me. I’ve gone this whole time not disclosing my legs because of this embarrassment,” he wrote. “Sorry I fell short of your expectations. I tried... I really did.”
Apparently it's time for me to come clean. This past June I began having trouble walking & went to my surgeon. He determined I had MRSA in both legs & they needed to be amputated immediately. Promoters can tell you along with my peers, I've had a history w/this and would cancel