There’s nothing more defeating than finishing a roll and feeling that moment of panic when you realize you have no more. I doubt I’m the only person that continuously forgets to order paper towels, but it’s gotten so bad that I have to order in bulk. I’m talking about a large cardboard box filled with 12 rolls. Well, instead of continuing to order massive boxes of paper towels that take up valuable cabinet space, I’ve now invested in these Swedish reusable ones.

These are sort of a paper towel/sponge/dish towel hybrid. They’re made from cellulose and cotton which allows them to absorb up to 20x their weight, so they become soft when they’re wet. Or, leave them dry and use them to scrub dishes or counters. Each towel can be cleaned by putting them in the dishwasher or even the washing machine and reused up to 50 times before needing to be tossed. And since they come in a 10-pack, that means you’re getting an eco-friendly option to 500 one-use paper towels.
I use them as a classic paper towel to clean up spills or wipe down messes, but they can easily act as a sponge to help do your dishes without having to use the dishwasher. They can also be used as a dishcloth to dry pots and pans after washing them. You can even get them in patterns, like lemons or retro-inspired. I’m partial to these doodles.
These days, I’m looking to streamline my single-use products, from kitchen needs to the bathroom. There are so many reasons, like being better for the environment or allowing others who need them more than me to purchase them. After I finally use all 10 of them, you bet I’m going to order 10 more.
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