Fashion mogul and pop star Rihanna took to Twitter Sunday to slam President Trump for playing her music at his Tennessee rally. The drama began when Post Bureau Chief Phillip Rucker tweeted that “Currently, Rihanna’s “Don’t Stop the Music” is blaring in Chattanooga as aides toss free Trump T-shirts into the crowd, like a ball game. Everyone’s loving it.” Rihanna promptly responded “Not for much nor my people would ever be at or around one of those tragic rallies, so thanks for the heads up philip!” With that tweet, Rihanna joined the ranks of artists including Aerosmith, R.E.M., and most recently, Pharrell Williams, who have all pushed to prevent Trump from using their music at rallies. Pharrell criticized Trump last week for blasting his hit song “Happy” on the same day that a gunman slaughtered 11 people at the Tree of Life synagogue. “There was nothing happy about the tragedy inflicted upon our country on Saturday and no permission was granted for your use of this song for this purpose,” the artist wrote in a cease and desist letter. “Pharrell has not, and will not, grant you permission to publicly perform or otherwise broadcast or disseminate any of his music.”
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Rihanna Slams Trump For Playing Her Music at Rally
“Me nor my people would ever be at or around one of those tragic rallies,” the singer tweeted.
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