The campaign has come down to a race between Mittâs media and Mittâs mistakesâand the mistakes are winning.

We have now crossed the billion dollar mark in ad purchases. In Ohio alone, the two sides, Super PACs and all, are spending $30 million in the closing weekâand in the battleground states overall, Romney forces are outspending Obama by $30 million.
But the contest is not as unbalanced as the numbers. The Obama money goes further because more of the total buy has been placed by the campaign itself, which by law pays less for television time than outside groups. Obamaâs strategists also got more for less than the Romney enterprise by buying well in advance, when the so-called lowest unit rate was lower. In any event, the airwaves in the swing states are saturated. The Thursday before the election, the noon news on the CBS station in Columbus, Ohio, featured 22 political spots one after another. A lot of it, perhaps most of it, is so much electoral wallpaper.
What matters more is what happened months or even years ago, when Mitt Romney inflicted serial damage on himself that canât be wiped away by a last-minute ad barrage or a barnstorming tour through the final hours.
Go all the way back to Nov. 18, 2008, when Romney wrote that op-ed in The New York Times headlined: âLet Detroit Go Bankrupt.â Few pieces have had as long or relevant a political life. Michigan, Mittâs original home state, and Ohio, home to 850,000 auto industry-related jobs, have proved stubbornly resistant to a Republican nominee who seems so conspicuously hostile to their livelihoods. If the President carries both states, Romneyâs prospects next Tuesday look about as promising as the Edselâs in the 1950s. For those too young to remember it, the car was a landmark flop. Wikipedia offers a commonly accepted explanation: it was âa supreme example of the corporate cultureâs failure to understand American consumers.â
Romneyâs op-ed was a supreme example of a corporate guyâs failure to understand American voters. He can quibble that he favored âa managed bankruptcyââwithout the use of federal funds. The Obama campaignâand most expertsârespond that in the depth of the financial crisis, there was no private capital available to keep the auto companies in business while they were reorganized. Thatâs true, but almost beside the point. Whatâs indelible, immediately apprehensible, persistently top-of-mind is the headline itself. Romney could have claimed he didnât write it; he didnât. He could have argued it wasnât what he meant. Instead, he doubled down, telling an interviewer: âThatâs exactly what I saidâthe headline you readââLet Detroit Go Bankrupt.ââ
In a last-ditch attempt to crack Ohio and Michigan, Romney has now resorted to advertising an outright lieâthat Chryslerâs Jeep division will soon move its jobs from the United States to China. The media has debunked the fiction, which was borrowed from the fantasy precincts of the rightwing blogs. The Detroit press called it âfalseâ in a news storyâ not just on the editorial page. TV stations have scorned the Romney spotâat times, pre-emptively refuting it just before it airs. When Bozo the Trump tweeted the lie, a Chrysler Vice President swiftly tweeted back: âYou are full of shit.â The Obama response ad was easy to make, entirely believableâand of course, showed a grimly grinning Romney letting Detroit go bankrupt. Maybe heâs created a new watchword and a warning for Presidential politics: Would that mine opponent would write an op-ed.
Now fast forward nearly four years to last summer in a second, probably fateful Mitt mistake. It fits with the first oneâand reinforces the narrative of an out-of-touch, plutocratic candidate who doesnât care about working families or the middle class. Romney let the Obama campaign pummel and define him as the profiteering-job destroyer from Bain. Eighteen years after this attack shattered his Senate bid against Ted Kennedy, you would think Mitt had an answer other than nostrums about âfree-enterprise.â The fact that he didnât offer one suggests that there isnât a convincing one. When he was asked on CBS, he simply brushed the question aside: the President is âgrasping at any straw he can find.â
After a summer of dithering, the Romney campaign fled to relatively contentless website defending his tenure at Bain. This is an inexplicable case of lame and latter-day rather than rapid response. According to Politico, the site has attracted âfar fewer than the number of eyeballs on the Bain attacks on the airwaves.â Ceding the ground here left Romneyâs favorable-unfavorable rates upside down with swing voters from Las Vegas to Toledoâ and left him with a steep hill to climb. Even as he made progress, which he finally did, he has been struggling to erase the deficit.
The struggle intensified when he selected Paul Ryan as his running mate instead of the safer, Ohio-friendly Senator Rob Portmanâthe choice of most of Romneyâs advisers. Ryan, who has proposed to replace Medicare with Vouchercare, instantly threatened the nomineeâs margin with seniors, who are essential to assembling a barely sufficient GOP coalition. Some Republicans rejoice that their vulnerability here has been blunted by chargingâfalsely by the wayâthat Obamacare cut more than $700 billion from Medicare (the cuts were in excessive payments to entities like insurance companies.) But the GOP campaign has had to spend time and millions of dollars on thisâand the hard evidence suggests that for them the battle is being lost. The latest Democracy Corps survey reports: â[On] Medicare ⌠Obama [is] trusted by 14 points over Romney in the states where the issue has been contested in advertising from both sides.â
If the Republicans lose Floridaâand when Obama holds on to senior-rich Pennsylvania, Mittâs last, least hopeâput it down to the Ryan mistake. The choice didnât even achieve one effect its champions insistently predictedâ that it would energize the sanforized Romney. Instead of Romney being Ryanized, Ryan has been Romneyized. Heâs become a bland non-presenceâwhich, given the sharp edge of his views, may be the better part of rightwing valour.
Then came other big mistakes, interrupted by one notable success.
The convention, which was supposed to introduce and humanize the Republican nominee on its last night, morphed into a Saturday Night Live skit. It was an elementary failure of event planning to let an unscripted Clint Eastwood conduct a farcical debate with an empty chair- and then to push real-people testimonials to Romneyâs character out of prime time so Florida Sen. Marco Rubio could talk more about himself than Mitt. There was no bounceâand a marked decline for the Republican nominee after a bravura Democratic Convention a week later in Charlotte.
If the Obama of the second debate had showed up to the first, the election would have been over then and there. But he didnât; it was his mistake and Romneyâs singular moment. But the Republican seemed to have no coherent plan for his second and third encounters with the President other than insisting that the race was simply a referendum: If youâre kind of dissatisfied with the economy, give me a try; after all, I am in the midst of a moderate makeover. This typifies the pervasive error of the Romney strategy. The Obama forces cast the election as a choice: whoâs on your sideâon tax fairness, on fighting for the middle class, on equality for women and all Americans, on decency towards immigrants? The President vigorously prosecuted his case in the last two debates- and Romney ended up on the wrong side on choice after choice.
I had predicted that Mitt could win the first debateâand he clearly did. But I argued that this would not change the structure of the race unless Obama stumbled againâand he didnât. The Romney âmomentum,â which was less than it was cracked up to be, has long since stopped for all but the delusional and disingenuous Dick Morris, the turncoat Clinton adviser who laughably foresees a Romney âlandslide.â I guess this is what Rupert Murdoch pays him for; at least, Morris could have gotten the electoral votes right for the states he mentioned. Karl Rove, now also of Fox, has offered up more modulated happy-talk. But as Romney desperately reaches for Pennsylvania and Minnesota, virtually no one believes the spinâapparently not even Newt Gingrich, whose blog slipped up and posted a prediction that âObama is going to win.â
Romneyâs colossal mistake on Libya in the second debate also prepared the way for the real October surprise, the bromance between the President and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Mitt was slapped down for politicizing Libya in that debateâand reproved by moderator Candy Crowley for being outright wrong on whether Obama had called the attack an âact of terror.â The GOP nominee refused to venture back into the controversy the next time the two candidates met. He had disabled himself; despite the fevered advice of the neocons, and the relentless conspiracy-mongering of the embittered John McCain, Romney was quiescent. And the real issue at stake wasnât just foreign policy, where Obama is far ahead, but ultimately the quality and character of his Presidential leadership. The response to Hurricane Sandy was the sequelâ and the Presidentâs most powerful and persistent validator was Romneyâs convention keynoter, Chris Christie. He showered praise on Obama as âwonderfulââand added: âIf you think right now I give a damn about presidential politics, then you donât know me.â
I think I know whoâs going to win when I hear the bloviating Rush Limbaugh denounces Christie as âa Greek columnâ for Obamaâs reelection. And you can measure the desperation of the Romney Campaign not only in his sudden apparition in Pennsylvaniaâif he canât make it in Ohio, he has to try somewhere elseâbut in the race-baiting of the bumptious John Sununu, Romneyâs co-chair, who attributed Colin Powellâs endorsement of the President to the fact that theyâre both African-Americans.
Whether this was intentional or a mistake, it was plainly shameful. And as I have argued before, it was a mistake for Mittâs strategists to invest so much in the wallpaper of late advertising while neglecting field organizationâwhere Obama has a deep-rooted and potentially decisive edge.
Finally, Romney made some unavoidable mistakes embedded in the DNA of todayâs GOP. He assumed, correctly, that in the primaries he had to pander on social issues to the religious rightâ and on immigration to a party that has become the modern incarnation of nativism. He can plead in mitigation that he had no choiceâand if that is so, look for another Republican defeat in 2016. On Nov. 7, Romney may be asking himself: What does it profit a Mitt to gain a nomination and lose his chance to make history in the White House?
Still, the fault is not just in his party but in himself. The Romney campaign has been a trail of misstepsâand the Obama managers masterfully took advantage of this and took control of the race. So letâs thank Mitt for making his own mistakes. As we may have noticed, heâs very good at it. RomneyâR.I.P.