
Ron Paul Storms Out of CNN Interview


After being “pestered” about racist newsletters.

Elise Amendola / AP Photo

A few months back, Ron Paul’s supporters complained he wasn’t getting enough media coverage. My, how things have changed! The GOP presidential candidate stormed out of a CNN interview, saying he was sick of being “pestered” by reporters about racist newsletters that were sent in his name during the 1990s. When CNN’s Gloria Borger asked Paul if he ever read the newsletters, he snapped back, “Why don’t you go back and look at what I said yesterday on CNN and what I’ve said for 20 something years… I didn’t write them, I disavow them.” The usually even-tempered Congressman grew more irritated as Borger further pressed the issue, saying there were reports he made “almost a million dollars” off the newsletters in 1993. The two went back and forth before Paul took off his mic and walked off the stage. Borger later explained, “He thinks it’s been asked and answered…it’s clearly a question he’d rather not be asked.”

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