Roseanne Barr: #MeToo Women are Hos, But Trump is a ‘Deep Thinker’


Roseanne Barr continues to say the most offensive thing possible. Why? Well, she has a new show to sell.

Mario Anzuoni/REUTERS

Defying the traditional advice about what to do when in a hole, Roseanne Barr has used a new interview to describe women who allege sexual assault after decades of silence as prostitutes who traded “sexual favors” to “get along” in their careers.

Barr, who was fired from her own show by ABC after sending a racist tweet referring to Valerie Jarrett, an African-American former adviser in the Obama administration, also told the UK’s Sunday Times that Donald Trump is a “genius” and a “deep thinker” who should not be judged on the basis of his tweets (well, she should know).

Speaking about her career, Barr told the paper’s top celebrity interviewer Chrissy Iley: “If you’re not fuckable, it’s no good. I’m one of the few women who’s made it on talent in Hollywood. I tried to sleep my way to the top but there were no takers.”

Asked for her view on women who report sexual abuse after decades of silence, the 66-year-old bizarrely referenced a convicted rapist, saying, “My friend Mike Tyson the boxer called it #YouToo. It’s a witch hunt.”

Asked how she feels about women who now claim to have been abused decades previously but said nothing at the time, she replied: “That’s because they’re hos. If you didn’t say no, just stayed there to get along, you’re a ho. Men are hos too. There’s a total ho mentality. ‘What am I going to get for trading sexual favours?’ Not that I’ve got anything against hos. Not real hos.”

Barr also reiterates an unsubstantiated claim that Michelle Obama called ABC to pressure them to cancel her show after she sent her tweet, and once again cites her use of the sleeping pill Ambien as an excuse for her behavior.

 “I was in an inebriated condition,” she says. “I’d gone to bed at 11pm, sent the tweet at 2am. I was on Ambien. It was a very stupid thing. I was dreaming and I woke up and thought this is a really great thing that I’ll tweet. I was appalled I was not allowed to explain it.”

She claims her tweet referred to, “the anti-semitism of the Iran deal,” and adds that the tweet “should have” read: “Valerie Jarrett’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood have now allowed Iran’s government to remain, as in the movie Planet of the Apes.” 

Not a whole lot better, some would say.

At the end of the article, a discordant plug reveals Roseanne's motivation to provoke a fresh round of outrage, revealing that Roseanne and the Rabbi, a talk show about the Torah, will air daily on Jewish Life TV.