There’s no better way to celebrate the first episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska (TLC) than quaffing some Alaskan ale with your caribou sausage. So here’s the inevitable Daily Beast drinking game that’s guaranteed to get you tipsy by the time Palin reaches Mount McKinley. Bottoms up, you betcha!

1. Sip when Palin stands atop an Alaskan mountain like Simba in The Lion King.
2. Chug when Palin equates U.S.-Mexico border security with the 14-foot fence she built to block journalist Joe McGinniss’ view.
3. Sip when Palin’s children refer to her “Sarah.”
4. Chug when you find yourself thinking of The Osbournes. Or Into the Wild.
5. Sip when daughter Piper complains about her mom being addicted to her BlackBerry.
6. Chug when you catch yourself thinking about the Palins’ carbon footprint.
7. Sip when a plane lands in Palin’s backyard.
8. Sip when said plane takes the Palins to mingle with grizzly bears.
9. Sip when Palin says of (actual) Mama Grizzlies, “They’ve got a nature that humankind can learn from.”
10. Chug if you find yourself rooting for the bears.
11. Take a shot when Palin takes a shot (with a large rifle).
12. Sip when she asks husband Todd for advice on tax policy.
13. Chug when Palin impersonates Marlin Perkins.
14. Sip when Palin closely monitors daughter Willow’s morals by installing a gate at the bottom of the stairs.
15. Sip when the Palins stop being polite and start getting real.
16. Finish your drink, and restore your sanity, when Palin climbs Mount McKinley.