The Daily Show has still not yet named Trevor Noah’s official successor, but it would seem that Sarah Silverman is on the short list. The comedian, who guest hosted the Comedy Central series in February, is back behind the desk this week for a second go-around. And her repeat stint got off to a strong start on Monday night, where the big topic was a recent 2024 election poll that has Donald Trump up big against Joe Biden in several key battleground states.
Describing the news as “the reason most of the people in this audience couldn’t sleep well last night,” Silverman explained that the poll shows Biden “getting trounced by Donald Trump in almost every swing state.” But she swears that the news is not all bad.
“Don’t panic! It’s still too early to say Biden will definitely lose,” said Silverman. “He could absolutely die in his sleep instead.”
On a more serious note, Silverman noted that the results of this poll are really terrifying for many liberals. “And I mean actually scary,” she said. “Not like: ‘They took Hamilton off of Disney+’ scary.”
The way Silverman sees it, a “scary” poll can actually be a good thing. “This is a wake-up call to Joe Biden,” she said, meaning it quite literally. “Joe! Wake up!” she added.
The most surprising thing about these numbers, according to Silverman, is that “the man Biden is losing to is currently on trial in every jurisdiction in America.” (Which might be a slight exaggeration.)
On Late Night, Seth Meyers took a more direct approach to delivering that same bit of news when he lost his mind over the apparent victory for the former president, who he describes as “the weirdest human being on the planet.”
“He’s leading the fucking polls again—by, like, a lot,” Meyers screamed.