Sarah Silverman to ‘Defeatist’ Democrats: Don’t Forget, You ‘Fucking Won!’


The comedian won’t let Trump get away with declaring midterm election victory.

By taking back the House of Representatives on Tuesday, Democrats achieved their first tangible victory of the Trump era. And Sarah Silverman doesn’t want them to forget that.

After playing a clip of Trump declaring victory during his wild post-midterms press conference earlier on Wednesday, the I Love You, America host interrupted him by saying, “Shh! Not today, Satan. Even breaking up with Jeff Sessions for the tenth time won’t distract us from this.”

Silverman went on the celebrate the record number of women entering Congress, including two Native American women and two Muslim American women. “This is a grab bag of Republican worst nightmares,” she said. “It’s like a congressional caravan. They could be hiding Middle Easterners and people with ethics in there.”

“Look at the big picture here,” Silverman urged the left. “Democrats are so defeatist, they can’t even act like they won when they won. They fucking won!” She even found the silver lining in high profile losses like Beto O’Rourke’s long-shot bid to oust Ted Cruz. The high turnout for O’Rourke helped flip two House seats blue in Texas.

Turning to the Republican victories, Silverman asked, “Are they really victories? I mean, we’re talking several seats won by indicted criminals and racists funded by Nazis.” And then there is brothel owner Dennis Hof, who won his race for a seat in the Nevada state house despite dying last month. “Republicans literally elected a ghost pimp,” she joked.

The host wrapped things up by comparing the Democratic Party’s “incremental victory” to the strides made by the Tea Party during President Obama’s first term, “minus the conspiracy theories, lack of decency, Founding Father cosplay, faux righteousness, and you know, just open racism.”

“They used to be the far-right fringe, then they fought, they persevered, and took the House in 2010,” Silverman said. “And now they’ve become the GOP establishment.” With that in mind, she urged Democrats to be “the left’s version of the Tea Party—the Chai Tea Party.”