
Seal Enters Home Through Cat Flap Door, Leaves Pet ‘Traumatized’


The adorable intruder relaxed on the couch belonging to a marine biologist.


A family in New Zealand was surprised to find a young seal had broken into their home after following their cat through two cat flap doors. The Ross family of Mt Maunganui said the New Zealand fur seal spent time lounging around on their couch and in their spare room before they were able to usher it out the front door. Marine biologist Phil Ross wasn’t home when the unexpected guest was found in their house around 500 feet from the shoreline. “The big joke is that this is really the only family emergency where it would be useful to have a marine biologist in the house,” he told The Guardian. “I really missed my time to shine.” A Department of Conservation ranger was called to collect the lost seal and take it back to the sea. The family cat, Coco, had fled to a neighbor’s house throughout the incident and refused to go downstairs when it came home after it was left “clearly pretty traumatized.”

Read it at The Guardian