Resurfaced CIA files say the Ark of the Covenant has been found, and that the sacred chest is protected by “entities.” The declassified files show the intelligence agency enlisted individuals who claimed they had extra sensory perception (ESP) in December 1988 to search for the lost artifact by way of “remote viewing.” One of the remote viewers allegedly used their purported psychic abilities to locate the chest, believed to hold the Ten Commandments, “somewhere in the Middle East as the language spoken by individuals present seemed to be Arabic.” They said the target, which they supposedly found using coordinates given by the CIA, was “hidden—underground, dark and wet were all aspects of the location of the target,” and that it’s protected by “entities,” and “will not/cannot be opened until the time is deemed correct.” The files, which were declassified in 2000, also include sketches and drawings of what appear to be mosques, mummies, and a winged creature labled “Seradin.” During the 1970s and 1980s, the CIA deployed remote viewers in “Project Sun Streak” to locate far off targets using their purported abilities. The project was closed down in 1995.