Since my roommate brought her cat, Viva, to our apartment, I can genuinely say that I have enjoyed every moment with Viva more than the last. The downside? The litterbox situation. Having to get down and scoop out all of the contents of the box can oftentimes be a smelly and unpleasant experience. Plus, we live in a smaller space, and having a litterbox isn’t exactly a great addition to our home decor setup.
Enter the PETKIT Pura X Self-Cleaning Litter Box. This luxe litterbox not only looks chic, but it also has an internal tumbler that removes all litter clumps while saving the majority of the litter itself for next time. The device also has an odor-blocking and antibacterial spray that gets released after it goes through its cleaning process to keep your home smelling fresh. Today on Amazon, you can buy the PETKIT Self-Cleaning Litter Box for $290 off the original price. This brings the cost from $800 down to just $510. If you are tired of cleaning up for your cat by hand, this is a product worth considering, especially now that it’s on major sale.
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