Tennis star Serena Williams sported her vocals to raise breast cancer awareness. In a video posted to her Instagram page Sunday, Williams sings a cover of The Divinyls’ hit “I Touch Myself” while topless, her hands covering her chest. “Yes, this put me out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to do it because it’s an issue that affects all women of all colors, all around the world. Early detection is key, it saves so many lives. I just hope this helps to remind women of that,” Williams wrote. “The music video is part of the I Touch Myself Project which was created in honor of celebrated diva, Chrissy Amphlett, who passed away from breast cancer, and who gave us her hit song to remind women to put their health first,” she said. Amphlett, the Divinyls vocalist who co-wrote the 1991 hit, died of breast cancer in 2013 at the age of 53.
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Serena Williams Sings ‘I Touch Myself’
In a video she produced to raise awareness about breast cancer.
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