Seth Meyers Calls BS on Trump’s Claims He’s Having ‘Fun’ Right Now


The “Late Night” host is shooting down rumors that Trump has been lovin’ every minute of post-indictment life—just based on how miserable he looks alone.


All is not right in Trumpworld at the moment, and understandably so—but don’t let anyone on Team Trump hear you say that.

As millions of people witnessed, Donald Trump spent the bulk of Tuesday making history by becoming the first former president to be arrested for suspicion of committing a felony (34, to be precise). But, as Seth Meyers shared during Wednesday’s “A Closer Look” segment, Trump is desperate to keep up the facade that all is going well.

Meyers played a clip about a story from The New York Times, which claimed that “the former president has told friends and associates that he welcomes the idea of being paraded around by the authorities [while] surrounded by the media. Trump has also reportedly mused openly about whether to smile for the cameras during a possible perp walk. And described the potential situation as a ‘fun’ experience.”


However, Meyers was not so convinced by Trump’s apparent attitude.

“‘It’s going to be a fun experience’ is definitely a lie you tell people when you’re scared shitless,” Meyers remarked, noting that Trump’s opinions toward the whole event is “100 percent what I would say right before skydiving: ‘This is gonna be so great. I just can’t decide if I’m going to smile or not.’”

Furthermore, the Late Night host thinks that wanting the world to believe he’s enjoying whatever shit gets slung at him is all part of Trump’s “shtick”. Meyers added: “Trump wants us to think that everything he does is by design… that’s he’s playing four-dimensional chess and is always getting the best of us and loving every minute of it. But it’s not true. I mean, look at him: He’s used to sitting with kings and CEOS, and now he’s sitting in a chair that five minutes before he walked in was used by a guy who [pleaded] not guilty to one charge of exposing himself to a squirrel in Central Park.” (No, that was not one of the charges lodged against Trump.)

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