Seth Meyers Explodes on Trump for Pinning Coronavirus Deaths on Blue States


“I’m sure Trump’s not our first sociopath president, but he’s definitely the first one who’s open about it,” the “Late Night” host said.

“Blue states had tremendous death rates,” President Trump declared this week. “If you take the blue states out, we’re at a level that I don’t think anybody in the world would be at.”

By that logic, Seth Meyers concluded Thursday night, “the more blue states we have, the better job you did on this virus.” The Late Night host predicted that soon Fox News anchors like Sean Hannity would be telling viewers to help Trump by voting for Joe Biden: “Good news for Trump as Florida has been called for Joe Biden, thus putting the blood on his hands.” 

“Also, as someone who lives in one of those states and knows people affected by this virus,” Meyers continued, “I would just like to say, go fuck yourself you rotting, soulless business ham.” 

The host went on to call Trump’s “blue states” comments “one of the most grotesque things he’s ever said,” adding, “I’m sure Trump’s not our first sociopath president, but he’s definitely the first one who’s open about it.” 

“He’s the kid who lights ants on fire for fun and when you catch him doing it he says, ‘It’s not what you think! Torturing living things gives me joy,’” Meyers said. But he also thought those comments were the “most honest articulation of Trump’s beliefs,” explaining, “If you can’t empower or enrich him personally, then he doesn’t care about you.” 

“It’s the same ideology that treats protesters as traitors and calls for political opponents to be charged with sedition,” he continued. “And by the way, the only way they can get away with this stuff is because we have an ass-backwards Electoral College system that lets Republican vampires write off anyone that doesn’t live in like a dozen swing states.” 

Later, Meyers concluded that what the president said about discounting COVID-19 deaths in blue states “was not just another Trump gaffe, it was an honest articulation of his beliefs and the beliefs of the movement he leads.” 

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